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Securing Your APIs in the Evolving Landscape of API Traffic


APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become a vital component of modern technology. However, with their increased adoption, APIs have unfortunately become a prime target for cyber attackers. Understanding the dynamic landscape of API traffic and incorporating insights from recent studies, this article delves into the challenges faced by APIs and the essential steps to secure your APIs.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information, enabling seamless integration and functionality between various systems and services. APIs facilitate the sharing of data and functionalities, allowing developers to build new applications that leverage the capabilities of existing software without having to understand the underlying code.

The Prevalence of API Traffic

API traffic has increased over the past few years. A study by Cloudflare highlights the growing popularity of APIs, indicating that more than 50% of Cloudflare traffic in 2021 originated from API requests. This staggering figure emphasizes the importance of API security and the urgency in addressing potential vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the study identifies different types of API endpoints, including public, partner, and internal APIs. Each of these endpoints poses distinct security challenges, requiring tailored security measures to protect sensitive data.‍

A similar study by Akamai revealed that more than 83% of the web traffic delivered to their platform was API traffic. Across a sample of 100 enterprise Akamai customers, it was found that there were about 744 billion API calls in a 30-day period. 

The key takeaway from these studies is that APIs play a pivotal role in modern digital interactions, accounting for a significant portion of web traffic. As the reliance on APIs continues to grow, businesses must prioritize API security and implement tailored measures to protect sensitive data. With comprehensive visibility into the diverse API landscape and the deployment of security gateways, continuous monitoring, and rate limiting, organizations can ensure robust protection against potential cyber threats. 

Examples of API Attacks

API Injection:

Similar to SQL injection, API injection occurs when attackers manipulate API requests by inserting malicious code or unexpected data. This can lead to unauthorized data access, data manipulation, or even full system compromise.‍

API Credential Attacks:

Attackers may attempt to compromise API credentials, such as API keys or access tokens, by using techniques like brute force attacks or exploiting weak authentication mechanisms. Once they gain access, they can perform unauthorized actions and access sensitive information.

API Rate Limit Bypass:

In API rate limit bypass attacks, attackers try to overwhelm an API by sending a large number of requests from different IP addresses or using distributed botnets. This can lead to resource exhaustion and disrupt legitimate users' access to the API.

API Denial of Service (DoS):

API DoS attacks involve flooding an API with an excessive number of requests, causing it to become unresponsive and unavailable to legitimate users.

Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR):

APIs that use predictable or sequential identifiers are susceptible to IDOR attacks. Attackers may manipulate API requests to access resources or data that should be restricted.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):

XSS attacks on APIs occur when attackers inject malicious scripts into API responses, which are then executed by the user's web browser, potentially compromising user sessions or stealing sensitive data.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):

CSRF attacks target APIs that do not have proper CSRF protection. Attackers trick users into unknowingly making unauthorized API requests, potentially causing actions to be performed on the user's behalf without their consent.

API Mass Assignment:

Insecure APIs that allow for mass assignment can be exploited by attackers to manipulate API requests and modify unexpected fields, potentially altering sensitive data or system behavior.

Data Exposure and Leakage:

Improper handling of sensitive data in API responses or insufficient data masking can lead to inadvertent data exposure or leakage, potentially putting sensitive information at risk.

API Versioning Exploitation:

Older versions of APIs may have known vulnerabilities. Attackers can exploit these weaknesses if proper versioning and updates are not maintained.

Vulnerabilities in Open Endpoints:

Public APIs may face a higher risk of cyber attacks due to their exposure to the internet. Misconfigured or unprotected open endpoints can lead to unauthorized access and data leaks.‍

API Credential Attacks:

Attackers attempt to compromise API keys, access tokens, or authentication credentials to gain unauthorized access.

Securing Your APIs - Essential Steps

Implement Strong Authentication and Authorization:

Enforce robust authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth or API tokens, to ensure that only authorized users and applications can access your APIs. Implement granular authorization controls to limit access to specific functionalities and data.

Regular Security Audits:

Conduct regular security audits, including penetration testing and code reviews, to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in your API implementations.

Monitor and Analyze API Traffic:

Adopt comprehensive monitoring and logging practices to detect unusual patterns in API traffic. Real-time analysis of API logs can help identify suspicious activities and potential threats promptly.

API Security Gateways:

Consider deploying API security gateways that provide additional layers of protection, including traffic filtering, threat detection, and encryption.

Rate Limiting and Throttling:

Enforce rate limiting and throttling to mitigate the risk of DoS attacks, preventing malicious actors from overwhelming your APIs with excessive requests.


As the landscape of API traffic continues to evolve, protecting your APIs and third-party apps is more critical than ever. By following best practices, conducting regular security assessments, and investing in modern security solutions, you can ensure that your APIs are resilient against the ever-changing threat landscape. Secure APIs are the foundation of a robust digital ecosystem, empowering your business to thrive in the interconnected world of modern technology.