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A Short and Sweet Guide to Data Breach Response | Vorlon Blog: Bite sized breaches

Written by Lauren Lee | Sep 27, 2023 7:00:00 AM


The average total cost of a data breach is a staggering $4.45 million, reflecting the extensive financial repercussions of such incidents. On average, it takes 204 days to identify and detect a breach - that’s about 6-7 months. Remediation efforts typically take around 70 days, which is about 2-3 months. There’s no secret to it, data breaches are extremely expensive. The longer a breach goes undetected, the greater the consequences. 

Cybercriminals are relentless, and despite our best efforts, breaches can still occur. Therefore, it's not a matter of if, but when, you'll face a data breach. What sets organizations apart is how they respond to these incidents. In this article, we'll outline the essential steps of a data breach response plan, offering valuable insights to help you navigate this challenging landscape.

Identification and Detection

The initial and critical phase in responding to a data breach involves swift identification and detection. Detecting a breach promptly is essential because any delay can substantially increase the ensuing costs and damages. To enhance your capacity for early breach detection, consider implementing intrusion detection systems (IDS), deploying anomaly detection mechanisms, and providing comprehensive employee training.

Continuous monitoring of your systems and sensitive data is also important. Regularly assess who has access to this information and ensure that only authorized personnel can access it. Scrutinize audit logs for core systems to identify any irregular activities or unauthorized access. This vigilance is key to maintaining the security of your data and systems.


Once a breach is detected, the investigation phase kicks in. Assemble a dedicated incident response team comprised of IT security experts, legal and corporate security, and relevant stakeholders. The team’s primary responsibility is to determine the nature and scope of the breach. Who or what was compromised? When did it occur? Where did the breach originate? Why did it happen, and how did the attackers gain access? The team should conduct a thorough forensic analysis to answer these critical questions.


During the investigation, it is equally important to isolate affected systems and networks to prevent the breach from spreading. This step prevents further unauthorized access and data leakage. Isolation could involve disabling compromised accounts, changing passwords, implementing temporary firewall rules, and disconnecting affected devices from the network. This containment phase is vital for preventing the breach's expansion.

Analysis (Scope of Breach)

Analysis is a multifaceted phase. It entails assessing the scope of the breach, identifying who or what was compromised, when the breach occurred, where it originated, why it happened, and how the attackers gained access. This detailed analysis helps organizations understand the nature of the threat and develop strategies to prevent similar breaches in the future. It’s also important to understand what data was compromised to assess the potential impact on affected individuals, customers, and your organization.


Remediation is the process of eliminating vulnerabilities, mitigating risks, and restoring affected systems to normal operation. It often involves installing security patches, updating software, revising security policies, and enhancing cybersecurity measures. This phase should be executed promptly to prevent further damage.

Outside of the organization, engage with law enforcement and legal counsel as needed. Notify affected parties promptly, as legal requirements and public trust demand transparency. The new SEC rules mandate that companies must report material cybersecurity incidents and their risk management processes in a standardized manner and within specific timeframes. Specifically, companies must disclose such incidents through current report disclosures (Item 1.05 in Form 8K or 6-K) within four days. These disclosures should detail the incident's nature, scope, timing, and its impact or likely impact on the company, including financial and operational consequences.

Lessons Learned

A data breach is an opportunity to learn and improve. Post-incident, organizations should conduct a comprehensive review of their response. This includes assessing the effectiveness of their incident response plan, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing necessary changes. Regular tabletop exercises and simulations can help organizations refine their response strategies.


Data breaches remain a significant threat to organizations, both in terms of financial costs and reputational damage. However, with a well-prepared data breach response plan, you can minimize the impact and recover more efficiently. Remember that early detection, containment, and thorough analysis are your allies in navigating the storm of a data breach. Learn from each incident to strengthen your defenses and protect your organization's sensitive data.